Teacher Fired After Viral TikTok Video of Students Unbraiding His Hair Sparks Controversy
Jaq Lee, who was known for his engaging presence both in the classroom and on social media, shared a TikTok video where his students helped...
Everything That Matters to Teachers
Jaq Lee, who was known for his engaging presence both in the classroom and on social media, shared a TikTok video where his students helped...
In today’s fast-paced digital world, the role of teachers is evolving rapidly.
I use this one quite often!! 😅 Kindergartners need reminders often & thats okay! Make it fun when you remind them by singing this song!...
The United States is home to a complex and often controversial relationship between gun laws and the education system.
As the new school year kicks off, elementary school teachers across the United States are preparing to welcome their students back to the classroom.
In recent years, the United States has witnessed a significant increase in teacher resignations.
Being a teacher in the United States often requires a lot of courage and dedication.
Hi teachers. I wanted to share step-by-step how I created a lesson plan for the school year in ChatGPT. Once completed, I easily exported it...
From the outside, teaching might seem like a dream job with summer vacations and early work hours.
5 Major Issues Teachers Can No Longer Tolerate!
The post-pandemic world has brought about many changes, but perhaps one of the least discussed is the rise in mental health issues among teachers.