1 How do you feel when you wake up and think about going to school?
A) Energized and ready for the day
B) A bit tired but I manage
C) Completely exhausted and dreading it
2 How often do you find yourself bringing work home after school hours?
A) Rarely, I finish most of my work during school hours
B) A few days a week, but it’s manageable
C) Almost every day, and it’s overwhelming
3 How supported do you feel by your school administration?
A) Very supported, they have my back
B) Somewhat supported, but I still handle most challenges alone
C) I feel unsupported and like I’m on my own
4 How often do you feel emotionally drained after a full day of teaching?
A) Rarely, I have energy left for myself
B) Some days, especially after a tough class
C) Almost every day, it’s hard to recover
5 How easy is it for you to maintain a work-life balance?
A) I have a healthy balance between work and personal time
B) It’s a bit of a struggle, but I try to make time for myself
C) It feels impossible to balance work with anything else
6 How often do you consider leaving the teaching profession?
A) Almost never, I love what I do
B) Occasionally, when things get really tough
C) Frequently, I’m seriously thinking about leaving
How Burned Out Are You? A Teacher’s Stress Level Quiz
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Teaching Like a Pro: You've Got This!
You’re in a good place! While teaching can be stressful, you seem to manage your workload and stress levels well. Keep up the great work!
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Almost There! Time to Level Up Your Recharge Game!
You’re handling things, but there’s room for improvement. Consider finding more ways to decompress and recharge outside of work to avoid burnout.
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Running on Empty? Time for a Wellness Pit Stop!
You’re feeling the burn of the job. It may be time to seek more support, take breaks when needed, and re-evaluate your workload. Burnout is real, and your well-being is important.